011910: Snow. Lots and lots of snow. Yeah, snow! '
Cuz that means more water this summer!
So, this morning I get up around 5am - normal time - and I can see that we have a lot of snow, and I'm already thinking that we are going to have a spectacular sunrise due to the cloud formation on the horizon. I start making coffee to prep for hubby needing "fuel" to clear the driveway of the overnight snow. Then the tragedy of all tragedies occurs. Our brand new coffeemaker bites the dust.
OMG, people! How AM I supposed to start my day without coffee? How are we supposed to get the driveway clear without coffee? How are we going to survive?????
We are trapped.
So I get online, find the manufacturer, call them, and speak with some darling young lady named Midge in CT. I'm sure she's used to talking to
coffeeless people, but she seemed extra bubbly. Probably this means SHE had coffee already. Anyways, Midge is sending me a brand new coffeemaker (for free!) because their warranty says: "1) Don't argue with
coffeeless customers. Just send them a new coffeemaker. Or 2) if the coffeemaker breaks within 1 year, send them a new one. Whichever comes first." And while I'm talking to Midge and she is literally saving us from extinction, the sunrise begins to peak. I quickly step outside and snap a few photos while holding the phone to my ear.
Geeze, apparently I can still multi-task even without coffee.
I managed to take three crooked photos of the lake. Beautiful colors - crooked lake. Sorry. I blame the coffeemaker tragedy. I will be better tomorrow.
:::EDIT::: People, I just took a look at that photo again. Seriously, I'm not taking credit for that shot. I just pointed the camera and took the photo as the colors this morning were just unbelieveably awe inspiring. Thank you, God. Nice show! *clapping*