Friday, February 18, 2011

After the After, But Before the Next...

021811: The second snow storm snuck in yesterday and quietly left 11 inches of snow upon us overnight. No snow drifts, just a nice gentle never ending snow! And just about a hour ago, it started again and it is supposed to snow all night long. Again. Again, Again....

I just took this photo before posting this blog. The lake had smoothed out and mirrored the hills across the lake. The patch of ice that had started out on our shoreline this morning had now moved off shore. It's gray, quiet and cold.
Yesterday afternoon, before the snow started again, I spied what I thought was a juvenile Bald Eagle. I was wrong! As he escaped my presence I could see that it was a Red Tailed Hawk.
11 inches of snow. Everywhere.
We'll just see what this scene looks like tomorrow...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Before and After

Today we are going to take the dogs out to play in the after. We figured if we can't work in it we might as well play in it. More after is expected later today into tomorrow. Awesome.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Not Funny Comedy Show


A mere three weeks before we open. Five hours and four inches into a three day winter storm.

Snow wreaks havoc on our clean up and get ready schedule!

I am not amused.

If you are reading this anytime around 2/16/11 check out our LakeCam here.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Good Morning, February

020111: Sometimes blue mornings are the best.
Photo taken 013011. As two fishermen trolled by David and I commented that 1) The guy standing up in the boat really shouldn't be standing up in a fishing boat, and 2) He looked like George Washington crossing the Delaware.
020111. Cloudy, cool day. And hungry birds.