110812: The Park is aflame is varying colors of green, gold, red, rust and brown. I stepped out yesterday to take a walk around the entire Park, admiring the layers of colors in the trees and on the ground. Today was forecasted for heavy winda and possible rain or snow. I knew by this morning that the strewn leaves I admired yesterday would be blown away or piled up against all the rock walls. I was not disappointed. So I planned ahead and took a few photos.
Can you identify where this tree is? One of the younger cottonwoods in the Park, it started out as a sapling about 15 years ago. |
Leaves! You would not want to walk in the Park without knowing the landscape. Somewhere buried in those leaves lies our stream. From our house we watch the leaves rain from these trees every day. |
As I walked about, this hawk followed me screeching as if to say, "Get out! You are in my territory!" |
I didn't choose this photo originally because it was so bland to me. But it is the only one I took with the lake in the back ground. Do you know which site this is?
When everybody leaves, the leaves start falling.