I awoke just before sunrise. David was already up and at 'em somewhere in the garages below. The house was chilly so I turned on the heater and ran back to bed to wait for the warmth. I turned on the TV and found myself watching Hugh Jackman on "Inside the Actor's Studio." Soon he was giving a brief performance from the stage play "Oklahoma!", singing "Oh What a Beautiful Morning." Do you know the words?
Just then the sun began to rise and the white wooden blinds on our bedroom window began to glow orange, brighter and brighter. I laughed outloud at the coincidence of hearing that song and seeing the sunrise together. Experience had taught me that if I wanted to catch a photo I had better hurry. The light changes with every passing moment.
I RAN into my closet, threw my comfy sweats on (I considered running out in my pj's, but the chill in the house nixed that thought.) I quickly stepped through the house, trying not to make a racket so David wouldn't think an earthquake was occurring as the dogs trotted along with me. Outside on our patio I turned on my camera, breathed in the beautiful morning and captured the Daily Topaz.
And I've still got that song stuck in my head.
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