032709: I went on an adventure today. The dogs and I went to the Post Office! Five miles or five minutes down the road we arrive at our local one employee post office, a dinky little building at the corner of Hwy 395 and Topaz Lane. Original name for a lane, don't you think?!
After stopping at the Post Office and having a nice chat with our Post Master I will head off down the lane with the dogs and let my border collies bark at the cows. They love going to the Post Office.

I love that we live in a community with a population of 100! Though as long as I can remember the population has remained at 100 through every census.
Yes, they actually play golf in a cow pasture. But only once a year. If you hurry, you can join in on the fun.
The cow pasture "golf course" is also on Topaz Lane.

High Point. I don't think I have ever stopped at High Point before today. Named such as it is a 75' (?) drop off that ledge to the lake. (It's high!) Oh and from the highway it is known as "High Point." On the lake it is called "Painted Rock" as half way down the cliff someone painted an ad (I believe) many, many years ago. I think the painted rock is faded now.
The sign says "Topaz Lake" Elev 5050.
P.S. I don't know why I'm into black/white photos lately - just am.
I love your black and white photos. Old signs look great that way. I also love that a simple trip to the post office could become an adventure. I wish I'd been there to share it.