Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Cat Games

So when he started the game a few days ago, I could hear him but not find him. Then I spied him behind the blinds in the window seat, glued to the warmth of the sun. I got my camera got, called him one more time and caught this photo of him spying on me.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Midnight Bloom
Monday, April 27, 2009

Nearly everyday we would stand outside somewhere between 9am - 11am and listen to the frozen lake warming up. As the sun rose in the sky the ice would crack, creating it's own music, pinging off the hills in the valley.
Soon after David would clear the water on the shoreline for the birds (you can see this in the photo at the bottom.) Occasionally we would take these big chunks of ice and throw them out on the lake to see how far they would slide (like curling.) It was amazing to see them slide so far we would lose sight of them.
Near the beginning of March the South dock was being prepared to roll into the water, yet there was still a frozen lake! We called my dad and asked him what he had done in the past in a similar situation. He stated that when the ice begins to melt around the perimeter that it would take only one good wind to make it all disappear. Well he was right! That is exactly what happened and one day we watched the wind move the ice cap slowly across the lake and fold up on itself on the Eastern shoreline. The ice was gone in the span of a day as if it never happened at all.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
It's Time
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Rise Above It All

Friday, April 24, 2009
Skiing at Topaz Lake

Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Honey Bunn

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Love is in the Air

These itty-bitty eggs are the result of some serious courtship between two House Finches. The female built her nest in the same exact location that last year's nest was built, but it didn't survive the winter. The nest is located under our patio, inside the eave and on top of the exterior shade housing we installed. (Got that?) The point is - we can see the nest from just inside our house including the nest building, egg laying, and incubation. In about 14 days, we should see the hatchlings. Itty-bitty hatchlings.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
It's a Foreign Game

Monday, April 20, 2009
Post to Post

Actually it's not an original photo but a postcard from "Frasher's Foto." I occasionally get lucky to find old postcards of the lake for sale on the internet (gotta love eBay!) I have more postcards and pictures of days gone by that I'll post in the future. (Hint: Do any of you remember the "Pinenut Motel?" Do you remember when it was "Pinky's Motel?") And I have one (1!) postcard of "Topaz Trailer Park" from the Tommy & Delila Thompson era of ownership. I'll post that, too.
I love this one because the lake/shoreline looks uninhabited and that gravel road! What can I say about that gravel road!?!! Fabulous! The photo was taken in the 1930's and my guess is the vantage point was somewhere just above where the Lodge (would eventually be) where Hwy 395 curves.
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Barn "Carport" Swallows

There are now 4 pairs of birds and through some recent research I have been able to identify the males from the females. This little one is a male, as evidenced by his golden feathers and longer tail. The females have light or cream colored feathers and have a shorter forked tail.
I tried to get an "in flight" photo but these little birds are fast and are a little wary of people right now. Hence I couldn't get too close to them. Towards the end of the summer they have become quite used to us so I will be able to get better photos of them.
Friday, April 17, 2009
The Gem of Many Colors
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Topaz, Family & Memories

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Space Mountain

When our lives get really nutso, really topsy turvy, we need to throw our hands up in the air and enjoy the ride. I know in the spring time when we are opening and preparing Park for customers' arrivals and seemingly everything is coming out of the woodworks we can easily hit that nutso level of entertainment. But that's okay, it's still a great roller coaster ride.
Our weather today hit a high of 49 degrees. Fairly cold and moderately breezy, the sun peaked in and out of the clouds all day. Late today, Mother Nature got more serious about her job and I watched a snow storm roll across the lake from the North. I stepped outside to take a photo and promptly slipped, nearly dropping my camera. By then the first wave of pill snow was pelting me in the face. I caught this one photo before turning to go inside. And I slipped again! I couldn't help but laugh as I threw my hands up in the air...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Winter Wonderland

"Does it snow at Topaz Lake?"
"Do you get much snow at the Lake?
"How cold does it get there?"
"Does the lake ever freeze?"
"What's it like in the winter at Topaz?"
"Has it ever snowed with customers in the Park?"
My answers:
We can, yes.
Yes - many times.
I took this photo January 5th, 2008 after our first big storm of the season. That's 15 blissful inches of powder.
Why did we track a road to the shore?
To feed the ducks, of course.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Bird Respite

I ventured outside today to soak up the warm day. It was a perfect Sunday from sun up to sundown. I stayed outside for awhile, enjoying the antics of the Barn Swallows. Clearly the swallows weren't happy with my presence. I wasn't standing but 20 feet from my own home, and still is my home!
Having recently researched Barn Swallows I watched them come and go - out to the lake, back to garage - over and over. I identified 3 males and 2 females. The odd number caused a match of males to attempt to win the sole attention of the female. Obviously love is in the air and soon more adults will arrive and soon after many nests will appear filled with the tiniest of eggs. By the time they leave in the fall, there will be 30 or more birds. And behind they will leave me many memories and photos of the summer of 2009. And a lot of poop to clean up!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
3,000 Sunrises & Counting

Now years later I'm lucky enough to not have to leave. Topaz is my home. It is part of my past, my present and my future. It is in my blood. And when I must go away, then come back home, sometimes I cry because I have missed my home, my lake.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Pets are Welcome

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Air Freshener

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Lake Contest

Topaz LakeIt's Topaz.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Ray & THE Fish

I mentioned our customer Ray a few photos back and his fishing curse. Knowing his fishing frustration I suggested to him that he throw a line out from his boat tied to the dock since some overnighters recently had come in and caught some nice fish from the dock. He didn't think I was too funny. :-P.
Yesterday I asked Ray if the curse had lifted and he said it hadn't really but he had a story for me! He had caught a big fish the day before and entered it in the fishing derby. With that weigh-in (or was it win?) he got a "double pay out" coupon giving him the opportunity to double a pay out in the casino within the next 24 hrs. So yesterday Ray played "some wolf machine" at the casino and soon it lit up and started howling and low & behold he cashed out at $400.00 and with his coupon: $800.00!!!
That one fish was worth all the frustration! But I just have one question, Ray.... Why the Wolf machine? You didn't want to play the Gone Fishin' machine?
Monday, April 6, 2009
Another Goose Mood
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Trout of Topaz Lake

Several years ago, a fisherman in the Park proudly showed off the huge fillets from the fish he had wrangled in that day. He really had all the other fishermen jealous until he told that he had wrangled the fish from Costco. And it was a salmon to boot! But that just goes to show you how our salmon pink Topaz trout can fool you!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
All American Model

This afternoon a solitary pelican waddled up the beach to the fish cleaning station and posed for me (it's my story!) When I didn't pay him with fish he took off for the water. Note the extra plumage and the horn on the upper beak, only seen during breeding season.

Friday, April 3, 2009
Sara's Spring Sunrise

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Springing to Life

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Big Bird