Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Space Mountain

041409: Yesterday someone told me that their life seemed to be topsy turvy right now. I can relate to that. I'm sure at sometime in all our lives anyone of us can relate to that.

When our lives get really nutso, really topsy turvy, we need to throw our hands up in the air and enjoy the ride. I know in the spring time when we are opening and preparing Park for customers' arrivals and seemingly everything is coming out of the woodworks we can easily hit that nutso level of entertainment. But that's okay, it's still a great roller coaster ride.

Our weather today hit a high of 49 degrees. Fairly cold and moderately breezy, the sun peaked in and out of the clouds all day. Late today, Mother Nature got more serious about her job and I watched a snow storm roll across the lake from the North. I stepped outside to take a photo and promptly slipped, nearly dropping my camera. By then the first wave of pill snow was pelting me in the face. I caught this one photo before turning to go inside. And I slipped again! I couldn't help but laugh as I threw my hands up in the air...

1 comment:

  1. Laughing WITH you!! I'm just really glad you didn't throw your CAMERA up in the air along with your hands!
