We had just spent the last 1/2 hour on the docks working to tie down the boats tighter as Mother Nature had decided we had not been challenged enough lately. Today she threw a heavy Southeast wind through Antelope Valley causing rollers (not wakes, but big rollers!) at least 7 feet high to pound our docks. Okay, alright already - they weren't 7 feet high and I couldn't begin to guess how high the rollers were from peak to valley. But using the "Holy" exclamation scale, today's rollers reached the "Holy C%@p" exclamation level!
Chris & his brother-in-law, James, were gearing up to take James' boat out to moor it on a buoy. The rollers were giving James' boat an e-ticket ride while tied down to the dock. Not wanting to swim back from the mooring, James & my hubby came up with the idea that James & Chris would take with them a large float that they would board and attached to it a long rope by which my hubby, who remained on the dock, would reel them back to safety. That's the point at which I had to go get my camera! However, Mother Nature got bored and changed the wind direction and the men's stupendous plan never would be seen! Darn~! That would have been a much more interesting photo!
Though I am happy to show the smiling face of Chris, who come rain or shine (or wind) is always game to lend a helping hand.
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