090309: I've used alot of analogies to describe our own lifestyle here at Topaz Lake RV Park. But I like the "Gumby Principle" the best. I told someone in the Park this summer about the Gumby Principle and they laughed at the accuracy of it but yet practicality. Here it is: (Are you ready?) When life, even daily life or hourly life, seems to be pulling you in many directions you have to "be Gumby" aka be flexible, go with the flow. If you stiffen up, you end up fighting the flow and get much less accomplished. Here's a good example: Recently in the news it was reported that a skydiver fell 10,000 feet (videoing taping it on his helmet) when both of his parachutes failed to deploy properly. Now here's where the gumby principle came into play - he blacked out while falling, and landed on a roof. It was reported that had he been conscious when he hit the roof, he probably would have died as we naturally brace for impact by stiffening up. But since he was a "gumby" (my word) he survived!
The Gumby Principle helps me frequently survive our Topaz days. Of course, I like to be busy, and I thrive on handling multiple tasks. But I couldn't do it without Gumby.
It just occured to me that I might be showing my age a bit when I refer to
Gumby. My version of Gumby refers to the flexibility of this clay figure, not his persona - though I can wreak havoc when I want to! And why in the world am I thinking about Gumby right now? Because I've got alot to do today to prep for the holiday weekend coming up, and I've got 17 minutes left before I open up this morning, and I've got to feed the dogs, get dressed and what else? Oh - I'll think of something....
Me and Gumby gotta go.
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