Enjoy photos and stories of our everyday life at Topaz Lake RV Park.
The SLR. The expensive camera. The camera that I almost drop kicked off my balcony because it wasn't cooperating, but I didn't because I knew Best Buy wasn't going to take my camera back! I took 6 photos and gave up.
Sometimes more expensive doesn't mean better. You, too, can take, beautiful photos with practice on a point and shoot camera. I believe that the beauty of photograph is not in the colors or subject but how they are set up within the frame of the photo. A good eye is what makes a good photograph. Train your eye, learn your camera, and you can take good photos, too.
So obviously I've got birds on my brain this morning and there is a good reason why, too. Yesterday, we were very excited (really, really very excited) to see flying right above our house, two ADULT Bald Eagles, and one juvenile Bald Eagle. Momma, Poppa and baby! Earlier this year I wrote about how an adult Bald Eagle was found dead beneath it's nest. (Click here to read that story.) What I didn't mention in the story is our fear that we believed we had only one adult Bald Eagle and one juvenile remaining. And would this lead to an eventual demise of our Bald Eagle family? Well, whatever happened since then to produce what we saw yesterday has made us very happy. The three Eagles soared in circles above our house, screeching out to each other, gradually rising higher and higher on thermals until they were specks in the sky and disappeared...
We love our Eagles.
101610: Wow, I just wasted 15 minutes of my coffee buzz on trying to format this post because the Blog God decided it would be entertaining to underline everything I typed. And then it suddenly stopped... Does anyone else hate computers as much as I do?
Okey, dokey, let's get back to the blog now...
20 years ago today I started a new job as a manager that I stayed at for 10 1/2 years. I worked in an office with no windows, wore suits & heels, and everyday did my hair and makeup, and sometimes worked from before sunrise to after sunset never seeing the light of day. My how times have changed. I still have an office, but at least it has windows. We just finished our 10th season at the Park and I haven't worn a suit or heels since, and rarely do I wear makeup and my hairstyle is a ponytail. And I found out very quickly 10 years ago that my "office" was not only indoors, but outdoors, too. And more importantly, I wanted it that way. And after 10 years of being at this Park, I still want it that way more than ever. I work hard, but I enjoy what I do very much.
I'm sure you have said at some point in your life something like this: "Wow, time flies. That seems like yesterday." I remember the day I started my new job 20 years ago just like it was yesterday. And if 20 years ago was like yesterday what is 20 years from now? Tomorrow? Hmmm.....
Make the most of your life. Find something that fulfills you. Enjoy the present as it is a gift. (Yeah, I know that was kind of corny...)
Took this photo just moments ago. It gave me the idea for the blog title which lead into the blog topic. (Don't try to keep up with my brain. It's impossible! I can barely manage it at times!)
There are still some pelicans scattered around the lake. I am mesmerized by these big birds. They always make me think of pterodactyls.
070410: It is not uncommon to see the American flag flying somewhere in the Park. Numerous customers through the season will fly their flag, attaching the poles to their RV's in some manner.
I try to take the time to thank them and usually find that regardless if it is a holiday or not they fly the American flag when they set up their RV.
Today, there are flags flying throughout the Park. Independence Day is a special day for Americans. It's not an opportunity for a long summer weekend. It is a day set aside to remember why we free in this beautiful country of ours. It is the day that commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence written on July 4th, 1776 declaring independence from Great Britain. But we all should remember that everyday is independence day.
Whether you are vacationing, picnicking, or watching fireworks, enjoy today everyone. Have a safe holiday.