Our docks are very, very important to us. We have a relationship with our docks! We lose sleep over them, we care for them, protect them, fix them when they need fixin' and worry about them when they are subjected to harsh climates. They are important to us in many ways, to say the least.
In the winter we pull them out of the water and let them rest!! They get the best view of the lake, and often you will see them in my photos. This morning I awoke to find our docks sparkling in the morning light of the sunrise. I don't think the photo does justice to the beauty I saw this morning. I took about 10 pictures trying to capture the shimmer of the frost clinging to the wood of the North Dock and chose this one, coverting it to black/white. Hopefully the focus of the photo is the Bling!
Ooooo... I see the bling! Pretty!