Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wet, Really Wet

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Lake View

Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
"I Said RIGHT!"

What? Don't you think that sounds like a normal Topaz day?
Yes, you read that right - we cleaned the restrooms because our favorite restroom user arrived today. We wanted to make sure they were sparkly clean for him.
What's that? You want to know about that Grebe? The one that we attempted to catch to free him of his entanglement? He refused to be caught despite our best efforts. And after 3 hours in a kayak - okay maybe 20 minutes - and getting soaking wet (I will choose the front of the kayak in the future) and repeatedly reminding my hubby that conversation carries far across calm waters - especially conversation including swear words - we decided to quit our rescue efforts.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wild Waters

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Zero to 60

Monday, May 25, 2009
There Are Birds Everywhere!

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Steeling Some Shuteye

Our little Aussie, Steel, likes to hop into my office chair and watch for my return. I often catch him sleeping like this and it's easy to do because (1) he likes to sleep & (2) he was born 100% deaf. We rescued him from a shelter and we couldn't be happier - and based on the way he wiggles his back end when he sees us, I think he feels the same way....
Lake Level

Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day weekend falls on the cusp of bad to good weather, i.e., the unpredictable to predictable weather patterns. So we are never terribly surprised if it rains, or even snows. And we always hope for, and usually get, some kind of sun over the weekend.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Legend of Walter

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tied for Beauty
The sunrises show off with all of their colors and brightness in the glory of the morning.
The sunsets compete with their shadows, darkening the water, & cool the early evening air.
They are both winners. No losers at Topaz.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

While I was away, there were not one, but two sailboats enjoying the calm day on the lake. I caught a photo of both, but liked this single boat photo better.
I love the freedom of sailing and am fortunate to have been numerous times. Years ago, down in Cancun, I "learned" how to sail a small boat alone, and after a week of lessons during a vacation my teacher entered me in a rigada. I didn't think I was ready. He did. I lost. I was right. In fact I think came in last place. But that did not stop me from coming back the next day for my final lesson. I got stung by a small stingray during that lesson. Funny enough, that did stop me from sailing again. That little bugger hurt!
I would much rather swim in the waters of Topaz Lake these days or watch and photograph the sailboats that pass by our back door.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Et Al

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Next weekend is Memorial Day and is commonly considered the beginning of the summer season. The locals unwinterize their RV's & boats and set out for some relaxing days at our nearby lake.
Considering the current weather, I don't think there is a chance it will snow like Memorial Day weekend in 2008. But considering the recent weather, I couldn't help but think of cooler days. Hence the "cool" photo.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
View from the Lake

Friday, May 15, 2009
Warm Breezes

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Looking Eastward

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Nature's Frame

I took this photo several years ago in the spring. The clouds that morning hung really low over the lake, yet high enough for the light of the rising sun to bounce & reflect to the water. The narrow frame of the clouds was like looking through a viewfinder of a camera.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
"T" is for Topaz
Sunday, May 10, 2009

During our day out I thought of a lady I knew years ago named Katherine. She was a character & a half! She passed away at the age of 89 and I went to her memorial. I had noticed long before then that her family called her "Masma." I never knew why they called her "Masma" (guess I never thought to ask), but I found out at the memorial. One of her many daughters explained that Katherine was the "Ma" to many "Mas" (her daughters), hence all the grandchildren called her "Ma's Ma" - say it fast and she became "Masma" to all her family. I have always thought it was one of the most endearing terms.
So to all the Mas and Masmas (& more!) - Happy Mother's Day!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The Reality Ducks
Or sometimes you just have to feed the pesky ducks or they will bug you relentlessly!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Resting on the Edge

So off to town we went to visit our favorite chiropractor, Dr. Pardee. Okay, he is our only chiropractor, but that still doesn't mean he isn't our favorite! He examined me and I was quite certain he would diagnose me with an Atlas Subluxation. He did, and adjusted my C1 vertebrae. Immediately all my symptoms were relieved! I'm sore, but not in pain. At least not in my neck. I still think I'm a pain in my husband's neck, though.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
There Was a Fire One Day...

On another note....
I'm not fond of fire. I don't have a firepit, fireplace or a desire to have either. I can live without it. And I am a fireman's daughter, too! But my feelings about fire solidified firmly as "not a fan of" after the brush fire we experienced on 7/14/2002 at Topaz Lake. Before then I could take it or leave it.
2002 was a summer season of intense, massive fires throughout California & the nation. The Gate Complex fire erupted and raged through our sleepy oasis and ravaged our hills & valley in a matter of two days. And that fire came on the heals of the Cannon fire in Walker, Ca (14 miles down the road) only 3 weeks earlier that had claimed the lives of three air tanker pilots. It was a devastating fire season. We survived relatively unscathed from the Gate Complex fire, thanks to all the area firefighters and the firefighters vacationing in our Park. And, more importantly, nobody was hurt. On that day I was asked by a newsman covering the fire how was it that so many firefighters from So. Cal. were staying in our Park? My mind was spinning with the complexity of the answer, but all I could say was "History, the Park has alot of history of firefighters."
So I'm thinking about fire right now because today we, and the extended Topaz Lake RV Park family and community, learned that one of our own was seriously injured in the Jesusita fire now burning in Santa Barbara, Ca. He is going to be alright, thank the Lord. But thoughts of him have been with me all day long. So to our friend, Ron, and his family, our prayers are with you and thoughts of quick healing are being sent your way. When you are ready, we look forward to having you back with your fishing rod in hand. (P.S. - the fishing is really, really good right now.)
Photo taken by the John Gibbs family 7/14/02.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Summer Balloon
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Clouds in the Water

I've said it before: The mornings at Topaz Lake are so incredibly peaceful. It is not uncommon during our open season that as I take in the morning scene that I see other people in our Park doing the same. All of us posed with our coffee in hand, facing the Eastern morning, in awe the one-of-kind-sunrise-show on the Lake.
Monday, May 4, 2009
April Show
Sunday, May 3, 2009
"Jolly Green & His Peapickers"

We knew we were getting very close to Topaz Lake when we came into the Walker Canyon and saw the Walker River. The road was much more windy before the flood of 1997. Nearly 10 miles of the highway was destroyed (gone!) because of that flood, but it was rebuilt in a matter of 6 months. The canyon has also seen it's fair share of forest fires, too.
But inspite of mother nature it remains a beautiful, scenic river flowing through that canyon. These are the waters that eventually end up in Topaz Lake.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Day & Night

Friday, May 1, 2009
Day 121