Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Megan

032211: The Park is beginning to show signs of life in between snow storms. Winter has gone and Spring is apparently here. Well, according the calendar at least. My niece was born on the 21st of March and every year I think of her a lot as we transition from Winter to Spring. Because like Spring, she is beautiful and bright and all the colors of the rainbow. She is a photo in my heart.

Winter Sunrise
Winter Sunset. Yes, we really do have sunsets.

I like how the tree looks as if it is growing the clouds in the morning sky.
It's hard to believe our Topaz Lake can be so silvery white.
You are missing out on some spectacular sunrises.

Going fishing. The rocks in the lower right corner are below the point in #7. This gives you perspective on how high the water is right now.

As I was attaching the other photos in this post we had some visitors this evening. I stopped, stepped quietly outside, and took some photos of our mule deer for you.

Love this place.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


031511: We've been busy puttering around in between fast moving storms. Our lives are dictated by weather these days and what projects we can get done on good weather days. Over the last two weeks since I posted last I have taken over 200 photos. Here are a few...

The lake was especially calm on this morning. The morning was hauntingly beautiful.
Three of my favorite photo subjects: Hubby, his cat and the dock.

The coots dot the lake as the day begins to glow in the East. Our sunrises are traveling further and further North as they heads towards the Vernal Equinox (3/20) and then onto the Summer Solstice (6/21.)

This beauty stopped by the other day and perched in tree about 30 feet from our house. I cautiously started out taking photos hoping to catch some close-ups. I wasn't disappointed as this Bald Eagle stayed put for about 30 minutes and it didn't care if I walked around, walked under, spoke outloud, coughed or laughed. I'm not 100% convinced that it is the same bird that I posted about (below.) But, none-the-less, it is juvenile Bald Eagle.

Not a bad way to start any day, eh?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Busy, Redefined

030211: Well, two series of storms over five days total left 23 inches of snow behind. Now, we have been sitting around watching it melt while trying to stay busy otherwise. Below are some photos that I have taken over the past two weeks. Rain is expected over the next day and our white world will disappear before our eyes.

North Dock glowing in the morning sun.
I liked the light and dark of this scene.

David actually called me outside to take a photo of this fog creature rising from the lake. I liked the mirror image on the lake, too.

This one is my favorite of the group.

Icicles at sunset.

Sunrise in the fog.

Our resident Canada Geese, Honky and Honey.

I spied this young raptor yesterday hunting for breakfast. It's a 2-3 year old Bald Eagle as denoted by its' coloring. A Bald Eagle's wing span reaches 80" and it weighs just about 9.5#.