Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Science & Nature, (& a smidge of sarcasm)

Question: "Is the lake up?" or "Is the lake coming up?" or "Will the lake be full this year?"
Answer: "Yes", "Yes", & "I'm pretty sure it will be."
This a graph of the water level at Topaz Lake for the past week. The downward trend was the result of the cooling off period we experienced before Memorial weekend. On May 29th & 30th the weather turned warmer and as a result on May 31st the lake leveled off and started coming up yesterday. And since last night the rate of storage has increased more than compared to yesterday. If the warm weather continues as predicted the lake level will continue to rise until such time that it is full. This should occur sometime between the 3rd week of June and the 1st of July.
It's all very scientific, yet can be very unpredictable at times. And, just when we think we got the pattern dialed in, mother nature will throw a monkey wrench into the pattern. Why do we care enough to pay so much attention to all this data? Well, in addition to predicting the placement of our docks in the water, it helps us answer questions about the lake level more accurately. Because after spending hours and hours studying all this data, formulating the pattern and predicting the future lake level, we can crunch all the scientific jargon into layman terms and simply say: "Yes, the lake is coming up."
Aren't you impressed?

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