Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ever Changing Same

031209: We were gone all day on a "shop & comparison" adventure to find those few items that we think will make our lives easier and less complicated. I think we were fairly successful, though sometimes I seriously wonder if all this techy stuff we are surrounded by has made our lives somehow a little bit more complicated???

I think back to the days that pcs, cell phones, remotes, DVRs, etc, didn't exist. Back in the 1970's my dad built our first color TV from a kit and it had a dial knob to turn the channel. Nothing special about the dial back then but it was a big TV (27"?) and color! My brother & I were in charge of turning the dial at the end of the show. Those were the days that we could ride our bike halfway across town to play with a friend, yet our parents always knew where we were when we were young. "Life" was different back then. Maybe you could refer to it as "the good ol' days" but I don't necessarily think so. I just get nostalgic sometimes for times that seemed less complicated than our lives now.

At the end of the day, when I have spent hours on the phone(s)!, behind my computer screen making reservations or paying bills, working online, answering emails, running errands, etc., I try to put it all away, maybe pour a glass of wine, and watch that moon rise over Topaz Lake like I have ever since I was a little kid. That scene hasn't changed one pixel! Except the wine part.

1 comment:

  1. Julie........I am new to this "twitter" thing and "blog", etc., but I went on tonight to check it out and I couldn't stop reading and looking at all the history and beauty of your photographs. Wow.....what a way to end my day. Thank you for sharing. It has truly been fun reading and looking all night. Maryann Matheson
